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A Typical Awesome Day at Brookstone

Our program is exceptionally flexible and constantly adapting as per the needs and interests of our students. However, we have found that our students do best with choice within each part of a structured day. This way all students benefit from the consistency of routines and knowing what to expect on a daily basis, while also knowing that their individual learning needs and interests will always be honoured and respected. 


Start time 8:45 am
 Early drop off available from 8:00am

 Arrival - Prepare and Set Goals for the Day

Students engage in their choice of activity as everyone arrives and settles in. Students have the opportunity to informally connect with other students and adults if they so choose, and share what they would like to focus on and set goals for the day. 

Children sitting in hallway at school
Kids drawing aerial view

Focused Small
Group Learning

Students enjoy taking part in small group lessons to further their skills in a variety of subjects with a focus on Language, Math, Science and Social Studies. With low teacher - student ratios, we are able to personalize and differentiate lessons to address individual strengths, needs, interests and learning styles. Students often have a choice of how they learn a new skill and demonstrate their learning and can develop rich, meaningful relationships with their teachers.

Lunch Time!

Relax and Connect 

Students enjoy a full hour of time to eat lunch, socialize and engage in active “play” time, indoor/outdoor, physical fitness activities, sports and/or cooperative games.

Kids running outside, playing tag
Girl meditating in the grass

Check In Introspection/Me Time

  • Social-emotional Learning, Mental Health lessons, Self-care skills 

  • Movement Break, Exercise, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation 

  • Group chats/Circle to share and listen to feelings about the day 

  • Individual reflection/quiet time 

  • Time with the fidget tools and other sensory items  

  • Executive Function lessons 

Co-operative, Experiential, Project-Based Learning  

Students have the opportunity to work together to consolidate their small group learning and explore new concepts in a number of creative ways such as: ​

  • Group work/Group problem solving activities

  • Science Experiments/MakerSpace-building activities 

  • Art/Music/Drama/Dance activities and lessons

  • Community involvement projects/social justice projects

  • Individual or group Project-based activities 

Two girls doing science experiment

Free Choice Session

& Goal Reflection

​With gentle guidance from teachers we round out our days with time for students to reflect on their learning and choose what they would like to work on, whether it be continuing their afternoon session activities, revisiting something from earlier in the day, investigating a concept to a greater degree, or starting something new.


They can choose to work individually on personal goals or at any of the co-operative Free Exploration Centres. Centres such as Tech/Coding/Robotics, Arts/Music/Drama, Engineering/Building and the Science Investigation Centre for example are available with cleverly crafted activities to provoke student interest, independent exploration and knowledge creation, as well as further consolidate and apply learning from their small group lessons.


During this time, students also have the option to do more self-care activities or engage in cooperative games related to educational concepts being learned. Teachers will check in with students individually, to reflect on their achievement of their goals for the day.


End of day / Pick up time

 Late pick up available until 5pm

Girl running to her mom after school
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